Michaël Cailloux / Exhibition Metamorphōsis @Galerie 54 Dunkerque

Michaël Cailloux / Exhibition Metamorphōsis @Galerie 54 Dunkerque

Jeudi 15 Juin, vernissage de l’exposition METAMORPHŌSIS

Thursday, June 15th, opening reception of the METAMORPHŌSIS exhibition

The Metamorphōsis exhibition by @julieyulle and @michaelcailloux takes you on a journey through a fascinating and unfamiliar nature. The two artists showcase their skills by creating unique works called @specimens_, which combine marker drawings and paper cutting. The vibrant colors and cheerful atmosphere of these paper sculptures invite contemplation of a constant metamorphosis that presents a reincarnated reality. The exhibition is a conversation between the artists who explore how nature transforms through art.


4 au 25 juin 2023
Galerie 54 Dunkerque
54 rue de Dunkerque, Paris 9e

